A number of initiatives have been put into place by President William Ruto in response to protests from Generation Z.

Kenyan Gen Zs have been protesting the Finance Bill 2024 in the streets for the past three weeks.

Kenyans demanded that the President listen to their requests during the protests, which were held in major cities throughout the nation.

Protesters stormed the Parliament during the demonstrations, leaving many people with lifelong injuries and others dead.

In response to pressure, Ruto declined to endorse the Finance Bill 2024, sending it back to Parliament to be completely rewritten.

The Gen Zs, however, were unaffected by the change and instead made greater demands of the President.

The President unveiled fresh austerity measures on June 26. These would have an impact on important governmental ministries, including his own office.

After pulling the contentious Finance Bill, 2024, Ruto stated that he needed to figure out how to manage the affairs by cutting back on spending.

Among his suggestions was setting a target operational expense for the entire presidency, which included the Deputy President’s office.

The Head of State announced that the confidential vote will no longer be used, and that spending for travel, hospitality, buying cars, and renovations will be cut.

In order to guarantee that “We live within our means respecting the loud message that is coming from the people of Kenya,” he also gave the Parliament, the Judiciary, and the counties instructions to collaborate with the Treasury and implement budget cuts and austerity.

In addition, he disbanded at least 47 state corporations that performed similar tasks.

Chief Administrative Secretaries (CAS) recruiting has been suspended by the President.

Additionally, he gave the order to immediately cut at least 50% of the government’s adviser staff.

Ruto declared that the First Lady’s, Second Lady’s, and the Prime Cabinet Secretary’s spouses would no longer have budgets.

He added that the executive offices’ private budgets had been eliminated.

The head of state announced a 50% reduction in the government’s renovation budget.

He also gave the order that civil servants who turn 60 years old must retire right away; there would be no exceptions.

In addition, the President issued an executive order prohibiting the government from purchasing new cars for a period of one year, with the exception of security agencies.

Among other things, state officers’ non-essential travel has been suspended.

For a year, he prohibited government entities from purchasing cars.

Ruto also dismissed his whole cabinet last Monday, sending the Attorney General and all CSs home.

The only person to survive the e-purge was Prime Cabinet Secretary Mudavadi, who also serves as the CS for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs.

The new cabinet will be named following comprehensive talks with all relevant stakeholders, according to the Head of State.

As stated by President Ruto, there will be wide sectoral consultations prior to naming the new cabinet.


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