Protesters ought to stop their much anticipated Tuesday demonstrations by sundown or 6.30 p.m., “whichever comes first,” according to Interior CS Kithure Kindiki.

Tuesday has been scheduled for nationwide anti-Finance Bill protests, which are largely organized by youths.

The CS stated in a press conference on Monday that participants in the protests must behave peacefully and without weapons.

“The protesters must stop their activities at sunset or at 6.30pm whichever is earlier in accordance with the Public Order Act (Cap 57),” he stated.

Kenyans, he continued, have the freedom to protest, but the law places restrictions on it.

“They must make sure that the enjoyment of these rights does not prejudice the rights and freedoms of others,” he said.

Kindiki issued the directive in response to the Thursday protests in Nairobi’s Central Business District that continued late into the night.

Along with chanting and dancing to music from bluetooth speakers and nightclubs on Moi Avenue, protesters held placards and started bonfires in the street.

After the Finance Bill reached the second reading stage with 204 MPs voting in favor of it and 115 against it, the protestors became enraged.

Shortly after Members of Parliament enacted the Finance Bill, 2024, irate youths stoned cars at Parliament Buildings.

Some members of the Parliamentary staff hurriedly drove their vehicles into basement parking to avoid the demonstrators’ wrath after being taken off guard and having to scramble for safety.

The National Police Service promptly declared in a statement that it would not permit protestors to interfere with parliamentary processes or take control of key government buildings.

Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome signed a statement stating that while NPS respects Article 37 of the Constitution, which guarantees citizens’ freedom to congregate, demonstrate, and picket, it would not tolerate attacks on government property.

One person died as a result of the demonstrations on Thursday night after he was allegedly shot and killed by a police officer.

Around seven o’clock at night, Rex Kanyike Masai, 29, was shot and died on Moi Avenue.

After being pushed by police from various locations, including portions of Kenyatta Avenue and City Hall Way, a number of protesters assembled outside Moi Avenue

They began to dance to music emanating from the on-site club.

Witnesses said that at that point, a police officer wearing a cap and regular clothes appeared and began shooting at the group in an attempt to disperse them.

Rex was struck in the leg and collapsed onto the road, wailing for help.

On Friday, June 21, a second victim passed away due to injuries he sustained during the demonstrations.

During the demonstrations, Evans Kiratu is said to have been hit in the groin with a tear gas canister.

A number of well-wishers drove Kiratu to Kenyatta National Hospital, where he received treatment for severe injuries and internal bleeding.


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