The Kenya National Examination Commission (KNEC) has announced that the registration process for candidates of the 2025 Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) will begin on January 27.
On Thursday, KNEC CEO David Njengere indicated that the registration portal for the Kenya Junior Education Assessment (KJSEA) will open on February 17.
Parents of students who are registering are required to provide their ID numbers to facilitate the tracking of learners under the new Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC).
“I urge all Centre Managers to ensure that their candidates are registered for the subjects they are studying, as there will be NO provisions for incorrect registrations,” he stated.
“Candidates who are incorrectly registered in 2025 will have no choice but to defer their examinations to 2026.”
KNEC anticipates that the KJSEA will be administered to approximately 1,145,585 learners who were in Grade 8 in 2024 and have now moved to Grade 9.
Njengere also mentioned that online questionnaires will be distributed to KJSEA candidates through their schools to gather feedback on their interests and personalities, which will be essential for guiding their placement in Senior Schools.
The first group of Grade 6 learners participated in rehearsals for the KPSEA exams in November 2023.
The KPSEA is set to replace the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE).
Njengere further noted that the final KCSE examination will take place in 2027, encouraging those wishing to retake the exam, either fully or partially, to utilize the remaining opportunities.
The KPSEA will include the following subjects:
The subjects to be assessed are Mathematics, English, Kiswahili, Integrated Science (I.S), which encompasses Home Science, Agriculture, Science and Technology, and Physical and Health Education (PHE).
Additionally, there will be Creative and Social Sciences (C.A.S.S), which covers Art and Craft, Music, Social Studies, and Religious Education.
In the new curriculum, Composition and Insha will not be included in the assessment.
In the revised curriculum, there will be no assessments for Composition and Insha.
The time allocated for each subject is as follows: Mathematics (1 hour and 20 minutes), English and Kiswahili (1 hour), and I.S. and C.A.S.S. (1 hour and 40 minutes).
Additional time will be provided solely to students with special needs.