Governor Jonathan Bii, along with Uasin Gishu County Police Commander Benjamin Mwanthi, conducted an inspection of seized motorcycles and spare parts at the Eldoret Police Station. [Photo | Courtesy]

In a recent police operation over the past month, authorities in Uasin Gishu County successfully recovered more than 200 stolen motorcycles. Police Commander Benjamin Mwanthi reported that during this effort, 16 individuals connected to the theft syndicate were apprehended and subsequently faced charges in court.

Commander Mwanthi shared these details during a visit from Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii, who commended the law enforcement officers for their outstanding dedication to ensuring safety and security in the area.

“I am pleased with the efforts of our officers to uphold security in Eldoret City, particularly in addressing the surge in motorcycle thefts that has plagued our community,” Governor Bii remarked. He emphasized that as Eldoret City prepares to expand its business operations around the clock, there is an increasing need for enhanced security measures.

The governor encouraged local residents to collaborate closely with law enforcement agencies to combat crime in the region. He reaffirmed his administration’s commitment to supporting security forces in fulfilling their duties, stating that they would provide necessary assistance to ensure the success of a 24-hour economy in Eldoret City.

“We are grateful for the governor’s visit, which represents a significant morale boost for our officers, demonstrating that he appreciates the vital work they undertake,” Mwanthi expressed.

The governor toured a facility where the recovered motorcycles were displayed, allowing affected residents an opportunity to identify and reclaim their belongings.

Mwanthi urged boda boda riders to refrain from purchasing spare parts from unauthorized dealers who might be selling stolen goods, highlighting the expansive nature of the motorcycle theft racket which stretches into various parts of the North Rift and Western Kenya.


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