In Kagio town, located in Kirinyaga County, a family is reeling from shock after the remains of 24-year-old Morris Murimi, who had been missing for a month, were uncovered in a forest within the Ndia constituency.

Kirinyaga West Sub-County Police Commander Moses Koskei confirmed that Murimi was reported missing by his family on August 7, 2024. His severed body parts were discovered in Kiamugungo Forest.

“We had been searching for him as a family, but tragically, his body was discovered dismembered and buried in a shallow grave,” Koskei reported. The horrifying finding came about after villagers alerted authorities to a dog seen carrying a human leg.

“Our attention was drawn to the area when a dog was observed gnawing on a decomposing human limb. The foul odor guided us to where the body parts were located—some scattered and others interred in a shallow grave,” Koskei detailed.

Murimi’s family shared their last moments with him. His mother, Grace Wangari, disclosed that Murimi, who worked as a charcoal trader, was contacted by a customer to pick up charcoal from Kiamugungo village shortly before he vanished.

“It’s hard to fathom that the person who called my son could have robbed him of his motorcycle and then taken his life so brutally,” lamented Edward Waweru, Murimi’s father.

Leah Wambui, the deceased’s wife, identified her husband’s remains by the clothes he had been wearing. “When we were contacted by the detectives, we went to Kiamugungo Forest. I recognized his clothing. It was heartbreaking to see his body dismembered at the joints,” she recounted.

The remains have been transferred to Kerugoya Mortuary for a postmortem examination and DNA analysis as the investigation progresses. “We are seeking justice for my son, and we hope the perpetrators will be apprehended and brought to justice soon,” Grace Wangari expressed.


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