In Shinyalu Constituency, Kakamega County, law enforcement officials have apprehended a man and his wife following the discovery of a significant quantity of marijuana on their property.

County chief Bernard Mulinya reported that authorities acted on leads from local residents who alerted them to the presence of cannabis on the couple’s farm. This information triggered an investigation that ultimately resulted in the arrest of Sylvester Muyumba and his wife.

Meanwhile, their son, Michael Ingosi, who is alleged to have cultivated the marijuana, managed to evade capture.

Elizabeth Kigai, the officer overseeing the Khayega police station, commended the community for their vigilance in reporting the incident and urged them to continue alerting authorities about any wrongdoing in the area.

“We have initiated this crackdown to eliminate marijuana, allowing our youth to focus on their education and engage in productive activities,” she remarked.

The two individuals taken into custody are currently held at the Khayega police station while further proceedings are underway.


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