The MCAs of Nyamira County have submitted a second impeachment motion in an attempt to remove Governor Amos Nyaribo from office.

MCA nominee Evans Matunda submitted the motion, claiming grave misconduct and misuse of office as justifications.

“I beg to give a notice of a motion to consider debate and approval of the removal of Honorable Amos Nyaribo, the Governor of Nyamira County from office by way of impeachment on the following grounds; gross violation of the constitution of Kenya and other laws and abuse of office and gross misconduct,” Matunda said in the motion.

Many of the Nyamira County MCAs who have signed the motion have voiced concerns with Deputy Governor James Gesami Ondicho’s purported exclusion from county activities.

“The truth is that the governor is struggling with the job. Look at what happened when he was asked questions by the Senate; there was nothing at all that he answered,” MCA Abel Mose said, referring to Nyaribo’s appearance before the Senate’s Special Funds Committee on Friday.

The committee looked into differences in how Nyamira County funds were used in 2020–2021; 2021–2022, and 2022–2023.

Another MCA stated, “I support the motion because county employees are staging a go-slow and there are no drugs in our hospitals.”

According to reports, some ward representatives—including Rigoma MCA Gisesa Emmanuel Nyambega—who oppose the motion have had their posts in parliamentary committees revoked.

Governor Nyaribo just escaped impeachment in October 2023 when the necessary two-thirds majority was not obtained in an attempt to remove him from office.


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