On Monday night, a 60-year-old man was killed shortly after arriving back at his Kitengela home.

The deceased was recognized by Kitengela police as Onesmus Musyimi Munyithia, a former government employee of a Parastatal.

Munyithia, a retired man, lived with his 16-year-old daughter, according to the police. In Dubai, the other daughter resides.

OCPD Kitengela The incidence was verified by Mr. Patrick Manyasi, who also mentioned that the deceased had been living separate from his wife.

The deceased is said to have been attacked by two armed men after returning home at night and leaving the main house to take a shower in an outside bathroom that was still part of the compound.

Shortly before the deceased returned home, the suspects may have entered the compound by chopping off a portion of the fence, according to OCPD Manyasi.

Police stated, “When he went outside for a bath, the two suspects grabbed him and forced him back into the main house, into the kitchen, where they murdered him and left his body lying on the floor, in a pool of blood.”

The Kitengela police station received a report about the issue.

It is thought that the two suspects stole the victim’s car keys and cell phone before vanishing into the night.

As to the police report, no one has been taken into custody thus far. There are still investigations underway.

As of right now, the body is in the morgue at the Kitengela Sub-county Hospital.


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