After he claims a church elder sodomized him, a 39-year-old man from Kanyiriini village in Kandara, Murang’a County, is seeking justice.

The accused man, who also runs businesses in the area, allegedly offered the victim a bottle of whisky. The victim stated that after sipping the whisky, he lost consciousness and woke up in the early hours of the following morning to discover that he had been sodomized.

He goes on to say that after confronting the man, he drove him to the hospital and disappeared.

“I believe that he drugged me before doing the shameful act. There was also a small bottle of ointment,” he claimed. 

After filing a report at police station, the man claimed, the businessman was taken into custody, But the investigation has come to a stalemate.

The victim claims that when the businessman was released under mysterious circumstances, he began to receive threats and offers of money to drop his lawsuit.

“One of the investigating officers summoned me to the station, where he threatened to arrest me if I refused to withdraw the case. He then handed me Ksh. 60,000 which I used for medication and the businessman was released unconditionally,” he claimed.

The man claimed to be traumatized, to have been rejected by his community, and to have had his friends desert him.

Pauline Letangule, the Deputy Police Commander for Kandara Sub County, confirmed the occurrence and stated that the victim’s voluntary withdrawal of the case meant the situation was resolved.

Despite the claims of bribery, she stood by the police, pointing out that the businessman was free on a police bond.

She continued by saying that the file was brought to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP), which determined that the P3 form and other proof were insufficient to support a prosecution.


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