Governor George Natembeya of Trans Nzoia signing a performance contract for one of his executives in Kitale on July 16th 2024 [Photo | Courtesy]

Governor George Natembeya of Trans Nzoia has placed his county executives under performance contracts and pledged to uphold effective management practices and zero tolerance for corruption.

In addition to threatening to bear his own cross if any officers are found to have misused public cash or resources, Natembeya declared that he would not consider cases of graft inside his administration.

Natembeya declared, “It will not be business as usual and you are on your own if you are found messing up with public resources.”

The county executive’s signing of performance contracts took place in Kitale on Tuesday, when the county chief spoke.

Natembeya emphasized that he wanted Trans Nzoia to serve as an example of service delivery for other Kenyan counties.

“We have to aim high and achieve high, I want other counties to come and benchmark how we deliver services,” he stated.

He outlined the difficulties the county faces, such as payment processing delays and anomalies in the procurement procedure.

The county executive demanded stringent screening protocols in response to worries about unskilled workers submitting bids.

“Some individuals who have no capacity at all are applying for tenders just to mess up what we want to do and we will not allow that,” Natembeya stated.

Nonetheless, he declared that the county would endeavor to enhance the youth’s ability in the area so that they may gain from the contracts and jobs in the county as well.

The governor gave the county finance department instructions to establish a cashless system in order to reduce problems associated with handling cash.

“I direct the finance department to ensure that there is no cash handling in any of our processes because it is outdated to have officers handling cash,” he stated.

Natembeya has set an ambitious goal of generating more than Sh1 billion in own source revenue this fiscal year.

The governor also spoke about the pending bills, stressing how critical it is to finish projects quickly.

“Every payment we get, including those revenues, will enable us to promptly reimburse our contractors. There won’t be any outstanding bills for us,” he declared.

Prioritizing social issues in the upcoming fiscal year will be made possible by the completion of flagship projects like the county hospital and stadium during the current calendar year.

Natembeya urged county officials to work together successfully and stated that he will continue to offer his full assistance.

“Let us stop the issue of passing the buck and blame games, let us deliver as one government,” he concluded.


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