Al Shabaab terrorists ambushed at least four elite police officers from the Special Operations Group (SOG) on Thursday in the Guba district of Elwak, Mandera County.

According to authorities, their bodies were discovered on Friday morning, many hours after they had passed away from injuries sustained after being struck by a rocket-propelled grenade.

Response crews evacuated six more injured people on Thursday night.

Five al Shabaab terrorists were reportedly killed in the Thursday, July 11 evening clashes, which occurred when a SOG unit pursued suspected terrorists who had been spotted in the vicinity, according to the police.

The bodies of five further missing police officers were discovered, albeit with injuries.

The Border Patrol Unit’s elite SOG team is tasked with controlling terrorist activity along the main porous border between Kenya and Somalia.

In general, they have been successful in curbing acts of terror in the area.

At around six o’clock on Thursday evening, the cops were ambushed while pursuing gunmen in the vicinity.

They retaliated, eliminating five of the assailants.

During the encounter, the squad found several weapons from the suspects while some were injured and managed to flee.

The spot is close to the border between Kenya and Somalia, which is frequently crossed by terrorist organizations that attack the area before fleeing.

Later, according to authorities, a helicopter was sent to the scene to retrieve the deceased and the injured.

Premeditated attacks in Kenya have been foiled by the local police operations.

To stop the attacks, additional troops have been sent to the region.

To avert this impulse, residents have always been asked to cooperate with law enforcement.

This is due to the fact that such attacks are impossible to carry out without residents’ knowledge.

This occurs in the midst of increased security due to worries that the terror group may be preparing an attack following a protracted hiatus.

The extremists, who occasionally receive assistance from civilians, have repeatedly attacked the border region, causing the most damage.

Since Siad Barre’s overthrow in 1991, Somalia has not had a stable government.


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