A woman and her three children were burned inside their Manyatta home along the Kisumu Nairobi highway. The crime is being investigated by police in Kisumu East Sub County.

During the 2 a.m. incident, the suspected arsonist allegedly locked the door from the outside before lighting fire to the Mabati structure using petrol.

Despite the Kisumu fire department’s best attempts to put out the fire, ten more adjoining houses caught fire and the occupants lost everything.

Anguished neighbors described what transpired before the horrible deed this morning, expressing their suspicion that a love triangle was the cause of the crime.

The mother, who sells vegetables at the nearby Nyamasaria market, is said to have burned beyond recognition with her three children, according to neighbors.

According to reports, the individual who is thought to be responsible for the arson allegedly tried to burn the woman inside her house at some point last year.

The incident was confirmed by James Odondo, the location chief of Manyatta A, who stated that the four deceased were taken to the JOOTRH morgue.


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