Tuesday night, President William Ruto declared that the parliamentary breach was treasonous and vowed to take tough measures against the “organizers and financiers of the protests, which are now in their fifth day.”

President Ruto spoke to the nation following a day of protests that killed at least five people and injured over 125 others.

The Head of State said that criminals had taken over a critical discussion, wreaking devastation across the nation and desecrating the August House.

“I hereby put on notice the planners, financiers, orchestrators, and abettors of violence and anarchy that the security infrastructure established to protect our republic and its sovereignty will be to deployed secure the country and restore order and normalcy,” President Ruto stated.

President Ruto said it is unthinkable that criminals masquerading as nonviolent protestors could terrorize citizens, elected officials, and establishments and expect to get away with it.

“We must isolate crime from democratic expression and separate criminals from people exercising their freedom of expression and divergent opinion,” he stated.

A blunt-speaking In order to make sure that something similar would not happen again, Ruto pledged a thorough and timely response to Tuesday’s events.

“I assure Kenyans that we shall provide a full, effective, and expeditious response to today’s treasonous events,” President Ruto stated.

On Tuesday, demonstrators breached the barriers around the parliament building and made their way inside, where MPs were engaged in a heated debate over tax rises that have inflamed public sentiment.


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