In many regions of the country, a clash between police and groups of “occupy Parliament” protestors is scheduled for this Thursday.

For example, as early as six in the morning, a large police presence was observed in the Central Business District and surrounding Parliament Buildings in Nairobi.

The demonstrators, who are primarily from the younger generation, have promised to march against the Finance Bill 2024 across the nation.

Even though the police declared the marches illegal, they said they would go on with the protests on Thursday in a number of other places.

To prevent the protesters from interfering with commercial operations, police headquarters instructed regional police commanders to make meticulous arrangements and remove the demonstrators.

This implied that the demonstrations had been deemed unlawful.

Prior to the march on Thursday, more anti-riot police were called into action in Nairobi.

Adamson Bungei, the commander of Nairobi police, stated that there had been no notification of any protest, therefore he was unaware of any.

He declared that he had gathered his forces to deal with the predicament.

The Occupy Parliament protest organizers declared they were prepared for the nonviolent demonstration and that they had complied with all regulations.

Even though the government claimed to have withdrawn some of the planned tax increases, the demonstration will continue into its third day today.

The organisers of the ‘Occupy Parliament’ demonstration against the Finance Bill 2024 have released a detailed strategy and are mobilising their supporters via social media.

The Parliament Building may cause traffic disruptions on certain highways, according to police warning.

Police who were informed of the circumstances stated they were under orders to make sure the protest was “diffused” right away.

Using the hashtag “Reject Finance Bill,” several angry Kenyans have taken to social media to mobilize and garner enough support to guarantee their large-scale demonstration in front of Parliament.

The protest organizers have warned anyone who answers their call and shows up to be ready for anything. They are aware that police will be sent to disperse the crowd.

Water bottles and handkerchiefs are frequently stocked by protestors in case tear gas is directed towards them.


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