At a time when his administration is on the verge of the first fallout, President William Ruto has called a crisis meeting of the Parliamentary Group.

Sources state that the meeting, scheduled for Monday, will tackle the complex matter of the Finance Bill, 2024, which has sparked intense discussion across the nation.

An invite sent to coalition members by Majority Whip Silvanus Osoro, read “Good evening colleagues, H E the President Dr WSR invites you all to a joint PG meeting to be held at State House, Nairobi, on Monday, 10th June, at exactly 7am. Kindly keep time.” 

The UDA National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting will take place in State House on Saturday, ahead of the PG.

MP Vincent Musyoka of Mwala stated that several topics will be discussed. A few will roll up to the meeting on Monday.

Tomorrow, the NEC will convene. Because we value consultations, as a coalition we have decided to meet frequently Musyoka informed the Star.

“There are a number of things to be discussed on that day, I’m sure you know some of them and that will also be furthered during the PG, among other things. I would suggest that we hold the cats.”

Kenyans, who see the Bill outlining government tax policies as an unnecessary burden, have opposed it.

The majority of Kenyans, according to a recent Infotrak opinion poll, are against the tax ideas in the Bill.

The goal of the Monday assembling, which will include all Kenya Kwanza affiliate parties, is to mobilize lawmakers who support the government in favor of the bill.

Ruto’s supporters contend that the Bill is not as bad as the public is being led to believe.

Even Ruto MPs have expressed opposition to the Bill, which Parliament will discuss next week.

However, certain members of the ruling coalition have openly demanded that some of the provisions that are detrimental to ordinary citizen be reviewed.

Costs for necessities like bread and cooking oil, which are used by many households, will go up in some of the disputed areas.

The Bill also levies fees on necessary services, such as VAT on banking services and an excise tax on mobile money.

A yearly tax equal to 2.5 percent of the vehicle’s worth would be required on vehicle owners.

The majority of Ruto’s allies have said nothing about the bill, but the men of DP have vowed to reject the Finance Bill, 2024 because they believe it contains harsh provisions.

The PG, which sets Ruto and his deputy against one another, was released just after rumors of a rift within the governing party surfaced.


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