That you are planning to start a small business doesn`t mean you must think small. Every today giant business started small.

Coca Cola started selling cola drink without any bottle, without any can and without any packaging.

You had to go and buy cola drink with your cup or jug. That was odd, isn`t it?

Google started in a garage. Facebook started in a room. Just name that big business and you will probably see it began so small.

But the owners of today`s big companies never thought small.
If you think small, you will remain small.

Always think of growth. Always think of expansion. Always think like a giant, even as you are just starting that business in a little way.

Most people who have small businesses (especially in Kenya and Africa) usually start and pray that customers come. They don`t do anything about marketing their businesses.

Starting a business is hard, but growing a business is even harder. Any foolish person can start a business, but only smart entrepreneur can make a business successful.

Coca Cola that`s today the most valuable and the most famous product in the world was started by a smart Chemist but a poor business man, John Pemberton.

Left with him, Coca Cola would have become just another failed product.

Thank God a smart business man (Asa Candler) bought the Coca Cola and turned it into a huge success with his marketing and business skills.

You have to know how to brand your business, how to present yourself to your customers and how to attract more customers by marketing your small business.

Don`t just start a business and think it will grow.

Be proactive.

Reach out to your potential customers.

Market whatever you are selling.


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